
If 100 People Lived on Earth Today

If the population of the world was only 100 people, instead of 8+ billion, while the statistics remain the same, what would today’s society look like? A video published by GOOD Magazine (produced and written by Gabriel Reilich, animation by Jake Infusino) answers that question.

If the population of the world was only 100 people, what would society look like?
Produced and Written by Gabriel Reilich; Animation by Jake Infusino.

If 100 People Lived on Earth

  • There would be 50 women and 50 men.
  • The populations of the continents would be Asia 60, Africa 15, Americas 15, and Europe 11.
  • Age distribution: 0-14 age 26 people, 15-24 age 16 people, 25-54 age 41 people, 55-64 age 9 people, and 65+ age 8 people.
  • There would be 31 Christians, 23 Muslims, 15 Hindus, 7 Buddhists, 8 with other religions, and 16 Non-religious people.
  • 12 people’s native language would be Mandarin. 6 Spanish, 5 English, 4 Hindi, 3 Arabic, and 70 people would speak 6,500 other languages.
  • 86 could read and write, 14 couldn’t.
  • 15 people would make $2 or less a day. 56 between $2-$10, 13 between $10-$20, 9 between $20-$50, 6 between $50-$90, and 1 person would make more than $90 per day. In fact, 1 person would control 50% of all the money.
  • 21 were overweight, 63 were normal/healthy weight, 15 were malnourished, and 1 was starving.
  • 87 would have access to clean water, 13 wouldn’t.
  • 77 would have some kind of shelter, and 23 wouldn’t.
  • 44 people would have internet access, and 56 wouldn’t. (I think this statistic is rapidly changing)
  • 75 would have a mobile phone, 25 wouldn’t (I think this statistic is also rapidly changing)
  • 7 would have attended college, 97 not

For the sources, see the video on YouTube.

M. Özgür Nevres
Özgür Nevres

By M. Özgür Nevres

I am a software developer and a science enthusiast. I was graduated from the Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Computer Engineering. In the past, I worked at the Istanbul Technical University Science Center as a science instructor. I write about the planet Earth and science on this website, I am also an animal lover! I take care of stray cats & dogs. This website's all income goes directly to our furry friends. Please consider supporting me on Patreon, so I can help more animals!

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