Global Warming Climate

Here’s why winters are colder despite Global Warming [Polar Vortex Collapse explained]

Despite human-induced climate change (global warming), a seemingly paradoxical phenomenon has been observed: harsher winters in some regions. Central to understanding this phenomenon is the polar vortex, a vast whirlpool of cold air encircling the poles, strongest in winter. However, under the influence of global warming, this vortex can weaken and even collapse. This disruption, often driven by sudden stratospheric warming events and changes in atmospheric pressure systems, allows frigid Arctic air to spill southward, bringing unexpected and severe cold spells to mid-latitudes. Thus, while the planet warms overall, the effects of a destabilized polar vortex illustrate how climate change can lead to complex and counterintuitive weather patterns, including colder winters in some areas.

Global Warming Climate

The Moral Imperative of Carbon Dioxide Removal vs. Adaptation: A Glimpse into the Future

As we inch closer to the precipice of irreversible climate change, the debate surrounding how best to address its challenges intensifies. Two primary solutions have emerged in this arena: Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and adaptation. While both have their merits, there’s a moral question at the core of this debate. Do we remove the CO₂ we’ve introduced, thereby addressing the root cause, or do we adapt to the changing world, leaving behind those who can’t? The ethics of this dilemma are further intensified when we consider those most affected by these changes, yet have benefitted the least from the industries responsible for CO₂ emissions.

Environment Climate Global Warming People

Sponge City Concept can be an answer to increased flood and water crisis

Sponge City is a concept in urban planning and design that aims to make cities more resilient to flooding and other natural disasters by designing urban areas to absorb, store, and use water more efficiently. This can be achieved through a variety of strategies, including green infrastructure, permeable pavement, and rainwater harvesting systems.

Biology Climate Global Warming

Global food supply is in danger. Microalgae promise abundant healthy food and feed in any environment

The global food supply faces a range of threats including climate change, wars, pests, and diseases. Microalgae, an organism too small for the human eye to see could offer some answers. Here’s how.

Global Warming Climate

The world is getting hot! [Climate Spiral by NASA visualizes this]

NASA Climate Change channel published a worrying animation titled “Climate Spiral” that visualizes global warming since 1880 in just 70 seconds.

Global Warming Climate Environment

4 Benefits of Reducing Carbon Emissions to Businesses

Climate change is a pressing issue that affects world economies. At present, Earth is already 1.1 °C warmer than it was 200 years ago. This is because businesses continue to produce greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions contribute to the rapid increase in global temperature. Carbon emissions contribute the largest percentage of these emissions.

Environment Climate Global Warming

Construction Technology Enabling Sustainable Building

The growing effects of climate change have forced many industries to rethink their best practices and find more eco-friendly solutions. The construction sector is no exception, as companies have implemented many new technologies to reduce pollution and waste. Here are some of the most influential additions to construction and how they’ve enabled sustainable building.

Energy Climate Global Warming

Turning waste into energy reduces the amount of waste entering landfills and helps to combat climate change

Turning waste into energy: the race is on to reuse waste as energy in the most effective way possible. Combined heat and power is an old idea for saving fuel with a new imperative to slash emissions. Innovative furnaces based on biofuel systems will generate heat and power from waste materials with near-complete efficiency and very low emissions.

Global Warming Climate

Buildings in Cold Climates Aren’t Ready for Climate Change

Fluctuating temperatures are causing severe weather events. Greenhouse gases are the culprit, insulating the Earth and trapping heat in the atmosphere. What we do now to protect the planet is crucial, as many houses need updates to fight climate change.

Global Warming Climate Environment

How to Protect Coastal Regions from Flooding Risks

Combating climate change requires battling threats on multiple fronts, especially when it comes to flooding. Coastal residents have a unique waterborne threat that destroys livelihoods numerous times each year. We should consider ways to protect these regions from flooding and advocate for long-term solutions.