Budget of NASA, Year by Year [1980-1989]

From 1980 to 1989, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) experienced one of its most eventful and transformative decades. During these years, NASA’s budget reflected the agency’s evolving priorities and the challenges it faced. This era was defined by significant milestones, including the launch and regular missions of the Space Shuttle program, which revolutionized …

Budget of NASA, Year by Year [1970-1979]

The budget of NASA from 1970 to 1979 marks a decade of transition and continued exploration in space science. Building on the success of the Moon landing, this period saw the development and execution of significant missions such as the Viking landings on Mars, the launch of Skylab, America’s first space station, and the inception …

Budget of NASA, Year by Year [1958-2024]

Have you ever wondered what is the budget of NASA? Charting the course of human history, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has turned science fiction into reality since its establishment on July 29, 1958. With an array of incredible feats, from Moon landings to Mars rovers, NASA has continually pushed the boundaries of …

Budget of NASA, Year by Year [1958-1969]

The budget of NASA from 1958 to 1969 represents a crucial period in the history of space exploration. During these transformative years, NASA’s funding saw significant fluctuations, reflecting the national priorities and ambitions of the time. This period marked the inception of the Apollo program, leading to the landmark achievement of putting a human on …

Space Shuttle Endeavour’s Touchdown Meets Columbia’s Salute [An amazing photo from the past]

An amazing photo from the past: The space shuttle Endeavour receives a high-flying salute from its sister shuttle, Columbia, atop NASA’s Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, shortly after Endeavour’s landing on October 11, 1994, at Edwards, California, to complete mission STS-68. Columbia was being ferried from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, to Air Force Plant 42, Palmdale, …

From Orbit to Ordinary: 10 Earthly Applications of Space Technology

Space exploration and programs, often seen as lofty pursuits aimed at the stars, have a profound and often overlooked impact on our daily lives. While debates continue about prioritizing earthly concerns over cosmic exploration, it’s enlightening to recognize that many innovations we rely on daily are direct results of space research. From the solar cells …

China’s Tiangong Space Station vs the ISS interiors [Side-by-Side Comparison]

Here’s an interesting side-by-side comparison of the interiors of China’s Tiangong space station vs the International Space Station (ISS). Tiangong looks way futuristic, that’s what actually future space stations look like in science-fiction movies. The good, old ISS clearly shows its age.

Voyager 1 is in serious trouble and sending indecipherable data

NASA’s Voyager 1 probe, a pivotal instrument in studying the outer Solar System, is currently facing communication difficulties. Launched in 1977, its main purpose has been to gather and send back information about the transition zone between the heliosphere (the Sun’s protective bubble, encompassing the Solar System, shielding it from interstellar radiation and cosmic rays) …