Environment Climate Global Warming

How Individual Environmental Action Can Impact Systemic Change

Today, climate change is a very real and looming threat. However, when the subject of climate change and possible solutions is discussed, the phrase “we need bigger changes” is often bandied about. Individuals tend to shift the responsibility of fixing human-caused damage to the environment to larger systems – but with little concrete action being taken by larger entities, potential solutions to mitigate climate change remain largely unaddressed and unimplemented.

Energy Climate Environment Global Warming

Could Renewable Energy Save Our Planet?

Climate change and the future of our planet are increasingly concerning topics, but tackling the issue of preserving the environment can seem overwhelming to any one person. However, we all have the capability to help prevent the effects of climate change through the types of energy that we choose to use.

Traditional energy sources like oil, natural gas, and coal contribute to pollution, but renewable energy offers a practical alternative that could reduce the impact we have on the environment every day.

Environment Climate Global Warming Travel

Is Traveling Abroad Bad for the Environment?

The benefits of travel are well-documented; researchers have determined that traveling abroad positively impacts our health and well-being. Travel is a stress reliever, enhances your creativity, and boosts happiness. Further, traveling abroad gives you the opportunity to experience different cultures and exposes you to other languages.

Environment Climate Global Warming People

Are Weddings Causing Environmental Damage?

Weddings are meant to be beautiful and memorable. Whether you have a barn wedding or an elaborate event at a country club, or you keep it simple in a church, it should be a reflection of who you are as a couple.

Unfortunately, certain wedding styles, decorations, and even some long-standing traditions may be doing more harm than good when it comes to the environment. Most people are so wrapped up in the splendor of the event itself that they don’t often think about how their choices might be impacting the health of the planet.

People Environment

Why Connecting With Nature Will Make Us Less Stressed

In today’s constantly busy world, we encounter many stressors every day. Concerns over money, careers, relationships, and health can quickly pile up, leaving us to function in a constant state of stress. But we don’t have to live that way.

Environment People

What Impact Are Vape Pens and E-Cigarettes Having on the Environment?

The environmental impact of cigarettes is well documented: For more than 30 years, cigarette butts have been the most collected type of beach litter. Cigarette butts also account for approximately 38% of litter items globally and can take about a decade to biodegrade.

Climate Environment People

Why Environmental Damage Is Also Harming Our Veterans

Typically, environmental causes are associated with left-leaning politics, and pro-military action is publicly associated with the right. However, a large number of veterans are liberals or are willing to embrace bipartisanship when it comes to sustainability. Thus, some veterans are speaking up about environmental damage.

Biology Life on Earth

Is Cloning the Future of Genomics?

Almost every human condition can be linked back to your genes. The list of genetic conditions is lengthy. Diseases like muscular dystrophy, Crohn’s disease, birth defects like spina bifida, and some cancers just barely scrape the long list of ailments that can be passed from one generation to the next. And, it seems that many of us try to overcome our genetics at every opportunity. We work to live a healthy lifestyle, eat the right foods, limit stress, and get enough rest each day. What if there was a better way to protect yourself and those you love from your own genes?

Technology Biology

Virtual Reality and its Benefits to Biotechnology

Biotechnology is a rapidly developing field. Even though the field has been around for many years, today’s biotechnology applications are far more complex and relevant than ever before. The fundamental aim at the core of this field is to find viable solutions to meet human needs, in turn improving our quality of life.

Travel Environment

Green Travel Tips for the Eco-Conscious Traveler

There’s a lot of waste that occurs in the travel industry, which can weigh heavy on eco-conscious travelers who want to see the world while causing the least amount of harm possible. Although it’s impossible to travel without increasing your environmental footprint, there are steps you can take to ensure you don’t cause more waste than absolutely necessary to see the world you love exploring. Here are a few smart ways to cut back on your impact while traveling.