World’s largest living cat: Hercules, the liger

Ligers are the largest cats on Earth. A liger can be more than 900 pounds (about 408 kg) in weight and 12 feet (about 3.65 meters) long, weighing almost 100 times more than house cats and almost twice as much as either Panthera tigris (tiger) or Panthera leo (lion). The liger, the largest of all …

14 Largest Great White Sharks ever recorded

What are the largest great white sharks ever recorded? How big can a great white be? This is probably one of the most heavily debated topics in the field of marine science. The great white shark (scientific name: Carcharodon carcharias) is not the biggest shark (that title goes to the whale shark), but they are …

Elephants can’t jump [here’s why]

Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. Male African bush elephants (Loxodonta africana, the largest of all elephant species) stand 3.2 meters (10.5 feet) tall (at the shoulder) on average and weigh around 6 metric tons. Females stand about 2.6 meters (8.5 feet) on average at the shoulder with a body mass of …

Largest Polar Bear Ever Recorded [and 20 Amazing Polar Bear Facts]

Polar bears (scientific name: Ursus maritimus) are one of the most majestic and awe-inspiring animals on the planet. These massive predators are perfectly adapted to life in the harsh Arctic environment, with thick fur, webbed paws, and an incredible sense of smell that allows them to locate prey from great distances. In this article, we’ll …

20 Amazing Crocodile Facts

Crocodiles are aquatic reptiles, and among the most feared carnivores on Earth, because of their size, big powerful jaws, and aggressiveness. They are so successful predators – once they were living alongside the dinosaurs. After the Chicxulub impact, which happened around 66 million years ago, the non-avian dinosaurs were gone but crocodiles managed to survive. Here are the …

20 Amazing Alligator Facts [and misconceptions about alligators]

Alligators are very large reptiles. An alligator is also a crocodilian – they are close cousins of crocodiles. But, unlike crocodiles – which can be found on all continents except Europe and Antarctica, they are native to only the United States and China. Here are 20 amazing alligator facts.