Environment Climate Global Warming

The Effects of Soil Erosion on Our Environment

Soil covers all of the earth, and it’s more than just rocks and plant matter. These layers of soil are teeming with biodiversity and living organisms. Your food largely depends on the soil where it is grown. If there isn’t enough of one nutrient or the soil’s structure is failing, then the amount of food you have to choose from will decrease.

Natural ecosystems often have some of the best soil. With a proper variety of plant and animal species, our soil can constantly regenerate and produce enough microbes and nutrients to support all that lives on it.

Global Warming Climate Technology

Mapping Cities’ Carbon Emissions Through Advanced Data Collection

As global emissions of greenhouse gas continue to rise, it is increasingly important for researchers and policymakers to identify exactly where and how much greenhouse gas is emitted and absorbed worldwide for global climate change mitigation. Over the past decade, Dr. Tomohiro Oda of the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) in Maryland has aimed to realize this need by combining emission data with night-time observations from satellites. Through this work, his team has now produced global maps that distinguish sources of carbon at unprecedented resolutions – high enough to identify variation across the regions where emissions are most intense: Earth’s cities.

Global Warming Climate Energy Environment

Can Geothermal Energy Save Us From Climate Change?

What if an unfathomably hot, never-ending, never-varying heat source existed that could be harnessed for energy production? This heat source does exist. Right beneath our feet. The top of the Earth’s mantle hovers around 1000 degrees celsius, achieving access to it would make the efficiency of all other current energy sources pale by comparison. With global ocean temperatures continuing to climb, concerned organizations and individuals continue to seek a solution for our presently unsustainable energy production methods.

Environment Climate Global Warming

Why Trees are Critical to Sustainable Development

Trees may seem like just another plant to some, but they are also critical to sustaining life. Without trees, you wouldn’t be able to breathe. They give you oxygen and store the carbon dioxide you breathe out. Besides this basic fact of life, however, trees have many other ways that make this world liveable. Sustainable development is only one of those factors.

Environment Climate Global Warming

Planet Earth is Pissed (video)

Foil Arms and Hog, the Irish sketch comedy group previously published a video titled “Awkward Interview with Planet Earth“, addressing global warming and environmental issues in the group’s unique and funny style. Now, they published the second video of the Earth interview series: “Planet Earth is Pissed”.

Environment Climate Global Warming Life on Earth

5 things that can happen if we lose the Amazon Rainforest

The vast tropical rainforest-the largest of its kind-is diminishing at an alarming rate. If the Amazon Rainforest is destroyed, the effects on Earth will be devastating.

Environment Climate Global Warming Technology

Microsoft had a crazy idea to put servers underwater, and it totally worked

A little over two years ago, a shipping container-sized cylinder bearing Microsoft’s name and logo was lowered onto the ocean floor off the northern coast of Scotland. Inside were 864 servers, and their submersion was part of the second phase of the software giant’s Project Natick. Launched in 2015, the project’s purpose is to determine the feasibility of underwater data centers powered by offshore renewable energy.

Climate Global Warming

Climate change: how your personal choices affect your contribution

Scientists Seth Wynes (University of British Columbia – Vancouver, Department of Geography) and Kimberly A. Nicholas (Lund University, Centre for Sustainability Studies) prepared an infographic that shows how your personal choices affect your contribution to climate change.

Climate Global Warming

No, we are not heading into an ice age any time soon

This article is originally published on The Conversation with the title of “Climate explained: why we won’t be heading into an ice age any time soon” under a Creative Commons license.

James Renwick, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington

Global Warming Animals Climate Life on Earth Oceans

Saving whales could be key to limiting global warming

According to a report published by the World Economic Forum, whales are a surprising weapon in the fight against climate change. Scientists say saving whales could be key to limiting global warming.