10 Fascinating Earth Facts Linked to the Solar System

Our home planet, Earth, is the third of the four smaller inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars). It is also the only planet in our solar system known to harbor life. Our planet is full of diverse and complex systems that sustain life as we know it. But it is also just one small part of a much larger cosmic neighborhood, the solar system.

There are numerous ways in which the Earth is intricately linked to the other planets, moons, and celestial bodies that make up our solar system, each of which has fascinating implications for our understanding of our planet and the universe as a whole. In this article, we’ll explore 10 of the most interesting Earth facts that are intimately tied to the solar system in which we reside.

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New Study Suggests 92% of Earth-Like Planets Have Yet to Be Born

A recent study led by Peter Behroozi of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland suggests that the vast majority of Earth-like planets in the universe have yet to be born. Using computer simulations to model planet formation around stars in the Milky Way galaxy, Behroozi and his team found that only 8% of potentially habitable planets have already formed. This means that the remaining 92% are yet to be born. The study’s findings have significant implications for our understanding of the prevalence of life in the universe and the prospects for finding it beyond our solar system.

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Your Life On Earth [presented by BBC]

“Your life on Earth” is a nice interactive webpage presented by the BBC – The British Broadcasting Corporation: how you and the world have changed since you were born? You’re simply entering your birth date, gender, and height; selecting units (metric or imperial/US), and then watching how our planet (and you) has changed in your lifetime.

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Scientists Spot Dolphins Surfing on Whales’ Heads

In two different locations on the coast of Hawaii, scientists have observed unusual interactions between bottlenose dolphins and humpback whales as dolphins rode the heads of whales. Rather than just swimming alongside the whales, the dolphins take things a step further and leap onto their heads, using them as a kind of surfboard. The whales lifted the dolphins up and out of the water, and then the dolphins slid back down.

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Photographs that were taken during the Apollo program [1966-1972] are now on Flickr, free to use

The Apollo program is a significant milestone in the history of space exploration. During the program, NASA sent astronauts to the moon and captured breathtaking photographs of the lunar surface and space. These photographs have been treasured by space enthusiasts and researchers alike for decades, and now, they are available for everyone to access. Thanks to a collaboration between NASA and Flickr, a vast collection of Apollo program photographs, spanning from 1966 to 1972, is now freely available on the photo-sharing platform. This unprecedented move allows people to explore and use these historic images in new and creative ways.

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Here’s Why Chimpanzees are Stronger than Humans

Chimpanzees are our closest cousins, they share 98 percent of their genes with us. Despite this genetic similarity, chimpanzees possess physical attributes that far exceed the capabilities of the average human. Notably, chimpanzees are significantly stronger than humans, possessing a muscle mass that allows them to lift and carry objects that would be impossible for us. The reasons for this superior strength are multifaceted and have been the subject of much research and debate. In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to the physical prowess of chimpanzees and compare them to the abilities of humans.

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Watch a Killer Whale using bait fish to hunt a bird [video]

The orcas are amazing! They are known for their high intelligence, curiosity, playfulness, and ability to solve problems. But this female killer whale named Kalia who lives at SeaWorld San Diego takes it one step further: she uses a baitfish to hunt a bird!

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Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s cover of Bowie’s Space Oddity [Video]

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, the former commander of the International Space Station recorded a revised cover version of David Bowie’s famous song “Space Oddity” while floating on board. The incredible video clip contains great views of planet Earth and nice scenes inside the space station.

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Kepler-452b: The Earth’s Twin?

NASA’s space observatory Kepler may have discovered a possibly Earth-like planet, named Kepler-452b, a rocky world orbiting a Sun-like star at almost the exact same distance Earth orbits our own Sun.

“The new Earth” is located 1,400 light-years from us. It orbits a Sun-like star that is 4% more massive and 10% brighter than our Sun. Kepler-452b is 1.6 times the size of Earth and scientists are fairly sure that it is a rocky world.

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