Oceans Climate Global Warming

Ocean Acidification: Mapping the Impact of Carbon Emissions on the Oceans

The climate crisis and the chemistry of the oceans are inextricably connected. The oceans have absorbed close to a third of our carbon dioxide emissions since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, leading to an increasingly acidic environment (hence the term, Ocean Acidification) and making it more difficult for organisms such as corals, mollusks, and plankton to form their shells and skeletons.

Mapping future changes in ocean chemistry is the first step in developing mitigation strategies. However, our knowledge of the future state of the oceans relies on mathematical models that are often not calibrated with modern ship-based observations.

Dr. Li-Qing Jiang of the University of Maryland and his collaborators are improving ocean acidification predictions by coupling millions of past and present ocean chemistry measurements with the best model projections at each location of the global ocean.

Animals Life on Earth Oceans

10 Amazing Humpback Whale Facts

Humpback whale (scientific name: Megaptera novaeangliae) is a species of baleen whale (also called toothless whale). Baleen whales have a special net-like epidermal modification called baleen in their mouth, which is used to filter food from the water. Here are 10 amazing Humpback whale facts.

Animals Life on Earth Oceans

Top 10 Amazing Great White Shark Facts

The great white shark (scientific name: Carcharodon carcharias) is one of the most feared beasts in the world’s oceans. They are also known as simply the “great white”, white pointer, white shark, or white death. They can be found in the coastal surface waters of all the Earth’s oceans. Here are 10 amazing great white shark facts.

Animals Life on Earth Oceans

10 Amazing Whale Shark Facts

The whale shark (scientific name: Rhincodon typus) is the largest member of the shark family and also the largest fish in the Earth’s oceans, can reach up to 18+ meters (60+ feet) in length, but this species is harmless to humans. Here are 10 amazing whale shark facts.

Climate Global Warming Oceans

Movement of Carbon Dioxide Between the Air and Sea (Video)

NASA Climate Change channel has published a video showing the movement of carbon dioxide (CO2) between the air and sea.

Animals Life on Earth Oceans

Amazing Blue Whale Drone Footage

This… is… wonderful. A blue whale drone footage published by the DolphinDroneDom channel with the title of “the best Blue Whale drone footage on YouTube”. The video actually deserves its title. A must-watch. Speakers on!

Animals Life on Earth Oceans

20 Amazing Sperm Whale Facts

The sperm whale, also known as the cachalot (scientific name: Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest of the toothed whales in the world’s oceans. Here are 20 amazing sperm whale facts.

Oceans Places

An amazing video of a high tide

The beauty of mother nature never disappoints. This amazing timelapse video of a high tide in Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, Bretagne (Brittany), France is no exception.

Oceans Space Exploration

Kathryn Sullivan, the first American woman to walk in space now the first woman to reach the deepest point of the ocean

Kathryn Sullivan, the first American woman to walk in space on October 11, 1984, now also becomes the first woman to reach the deepest point of the ocean, the Challenger Deep, at the southern end of the Mariana Trench. She also became only the eighth person ever to reach the Challenger Deep.

Global Warming Animals Climate Life on Earth Oceans

Saving whales could be key to limiting global warming

According to a report published by the World Economic Forum, whales are a surprising weapon in the fight against climate change. Scientists say saving whales could be key to limiting global warming.