Mars Science Fiction Solar System Space Exploration

Making Life Multiplanetary [Musk reveals a new plan to colonize Mars]

The billionaire founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk has revealed a new plan to colonize Moon and Mars with giant reusable spaceships. He provided an update on their Mars colonization plan at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC, see notes 1) in Adelaide, Australia this week. Musk plans to send 1 million people to Mars using BFR (see notes 2), and “making life multiplanetary”. He has highly ambitious plans, like launching and landing at least two uncrewed cargo ships on Mars as early as 2022.

The newly announced BFR is smaller than the one Musk revealed at the same event last year, 106 meters (348 feet) tall and carrying capacity of 150 tonnes compared to the previous design’s 122 meters (400 feet) and 300 tonnes. But, (naturally) it’s way cheaper than the previously announced version, and according to Musk, “lower cost is the biggest update”. And, still, it is more powerful than any of SpaceX’s or NASA’s other planned rockets.

Earth from Space Mars Planet Earth Space Exploration

Photo of Earth and Moon from Mars

NASA published an amazing image of Earth (and the Moon) from Mars, taken on November 20, 2016, by the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The image is so incredibly detailed that we can see even the continents and clouds of Earth.

Space Exploration Mars Solar System

SpaceX unveils the Interplanetary Transport System to colonize Mars

Elon Musk, the founder, CEO, and Lead Designer of the private space travel company SpaceX announced that “they are planning to get humans to Mars in six years”. In order to achieve this goal, Musk revealed the Interplanetary Transport System, which aims to reach Mars with a human crew for the first time in history.

Mars Space Exploration

NASA’s 360-Degree Interactive Image of Mars

NASA has unveiled a groundbreaking treat for space enthusiasts and curious minds alike, as they released a captivating interactive 360-degree image of Mars. Offering an immersive experience, this unprecedented glimpse into the Red Planet’s rugged terrain allows users to explore its alien landscapes from the comfort of their own screens. With each click and drag, this remarkable visual artifact invites us to venture into the mysteries of Mars, fostering a deeper understanding of our neighboring celestial body.

Mars Energy Environment Moon Landing Planet Earth Space Exploration

Here’s Why We Should Colonize Mars [and Other Planets and the Moons too]

In the quest for expanding the boundaries of human exploration and ensuring the long-term survival of our species, the idea of colonizing Mars and other celestial bodies has emerged as a captivating and viable possibility. While Earth remains our home, the potential colonization of Mars, along with other planets and moons within our solar system, presents a host of compelling reasons. From scientific discovery and resource utilization to the preservation of our species, the case for venturing beyond our blue planet grows increasingly enticing.