SpaceX Falcon 9 lands on a barge [and the Science Fiction sees the future again!]

April 8, 2016, was a historical day that marks a new milestone in humanity’s space adventure: after delivering CRS-8 cargo on its way to the International Space Station, SpaceX Falcon 9 Flight 23, the third flight of the full thrust version landed vertically on the drone ship Of Course I Still Love You over the Atlantic Ocean, 300 km (185 miles) from the Florida coastline, achieving a long-sought-after milestone for the SpaceX reusability development program.

Here are the videos of that historical moment:

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What if a nuclear bomb hits your city? [You can find out by using NukeMap]

Have you ever wondered, what if a nuclear bomb hits your own city? In an age of heightened global tensions, the possibility of a nuclear strike may seem like a grim reality. However, thanks to technological advancements, we can now gain a virtual glimpse into the devastating consequences of such an event. NukeMap, a powerful online tool, allows users to simulate the effects of a nuclear explosion in their own city. By inputting specific parameters, one can visualize the extent of destruction, casualties, and long-term effects. Discover the chilling realities of a nuclear bomb strike by harnessing the power of NukeMap.

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What is a Megatsunami? [explained]

A megatsunami is an exceptionally large and devastating wave that can reach incredible heights. Unlike regular tsunamis triggered by earthquakes, megatsunamis are primarily caused by massive landslides, volcanic eruptions, or asteroid impacts into bodies of water. These catastrophic events displace colossal amounts of water, generating waves that can travel across vast distances with tremendous force. The sheer magnitude of megatsunamis makes them particularly destructive, capable of impacting coastlines with devastating consequences. Their rare occurrence and immense power make megatsunamis a subject of great scientific interest and concern, as understanding their mechanisms and potential impacts is crucial for coastal regions and disaster preparedness.

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NASA’s 360-Degree Interactive Image of Mars

NASA has unveiled a groundbreaking treat for space enthusiasts and curious minds alike, as they released a captivating interactive 360-degree image of Mars. Offering an immersive experience, this unprecedented glimpse into the Red Planet’s rugged terrain allows users to explore its alien landscapes from the comfort of their own screens. With each click and drag, this remarkable visual artifact invites us to venture into the mysteries of Mars, fostering a deeper understanding of our neighboring celestial body.

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Why we should colonize Mars [and other planets and the moons too]

In the quest for expanding the boundaries of human exploration and ensuring the long-term survival of our species, the idea of colonizing Mars and other celestial bodies has emerged as a captivating and viable possibility. While Earth remains our home, the potential colonization of Mars, along with other planets and moons within our solar system, presents a host of compelling reasons. From scientific discovery and resource utilization to the preservation of our species, the case for venturing beyond our blue planet grows increasingly enticing.

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22 most powerful bite forces in carnivore land mammals

In the wild, the struggle for survival often hinges upon a carnivore’s ability to capture and overpower its prey. Among the many factors that contribute to their predatory prowess, bite force stands out as a paramount attribute. The intensity and strength of a carnivore’s bite are crucial for immobilizing and subduing prey, breaking through tough hides and shells, and even establishing dominance within their own species. Here are the top 22 most powerful bites in carnivore land mammals.

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Humpback Whale Thanks Rescuers After Being Freed From Nets [Video]

An amazing and wonderful video that I came across a few years ago: Michael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy, his family and friends rescued a Humpback Whale from fishnets, and after being freed, the whale shows amazing appreciation to the rescuers.

The Great Whale Conservancy was launched in 2010 to advocate for the great whales, they need our help and protection to survive, to learn more about our current efforts, and find out how we can work together.

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Top 5 largest prehistoric cats

The prehistoric world was home to an array of magnificent and fearsome creatures, and among them, the large cats ruled supreme. These ancient feline predators prowled the Earth with power and grace, displaying unmatched dominance. In this article, we will explore the top 5 largest prehistoric cats that once roamed the planet. From the mighty Smilodon with its deadly saber teeth to the massive American Lion, these awe-inspiring creatures left an indelible mark on the history of big cats.

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Whiteface Mountain [New York] hits -114 °F [-81.11 °C] wind chill at its summit

While New York City suffers the coldest Valentine’s Day in 100 years, as East Coast is hit with a record-low wind chill of -36 °F (-37.77 °C), Whiteface Mountain reached -114 °F (-81.11 °C) wind chill at its summit. And it was even colder than the windchill in Antarctica.

With an elevation of 1,483 meters (4,865 feet) above sea level, Whiteface Mountain is the fifth-highest mountain in the U.S. state of New York. On Saturday night (February 13-14, 2016), the Arctic winds blew at 45 mph (72.42 km/h) at the summit, and according to the U.S. National Weather Service, it was actually colder than Antarctica on Sunday. It’s probably one of the lowest temperatures ever recorded outside of the poles of Earth.

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Earth to scale [See How Tiny our planet is in the Grand Scheme of the Universe]

When we look up at the night sky, we may feel small and insignificant compared to the vast expanse of space. However, our sense of smallness is put into perspective when we consider the true scale of the universe. Our planet Earth is just a tiny speck in a vast and complex system of planets, stars, galaxies, and beyond. In this article, we will explore just how small Earth is when compared to the larger structures of our solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and the universe as a whole. By understanding our place in the universe, we can gain a greater appreciation for the sheer magnitude and complexity of the cosmos.

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